
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

USED: MistahBoweh vs SamuelJ

Last time, I talked about the latest competitive series to hit Shadow Era, USED. Now, I'm proud to report the results of the first ever USED match with myself against SamuelJ.

To start off, the decks:
I played Haste Zhanna. If you don't know what that is, it's Zhanna, but instead of big fat fatties, you use dudes like Fleet-Footed messenger that can take advantage of Aldon and The King's Pride, sort of like how Rothem works in Shattered Fates. The reason why I chose the deck is threefold: One, I never played it in public before, so it's not likely I'll be predicted. Two, this is a sideboard event, and Zhanna has a crazy amount of hate she can pack. Three, it's a play style I'm comfortable with. As mentioned before, I play a lot of Rothem on the test server, and Haste Zhanna is the Dark Prophecies equivalent of that deck.